Saturday, July 6, 2013

Kate's Week 5 & 6!

I'm behind on posting, but also because I'm behind on cooking. Here's what our week 5 looked like:
Hot dog! We grilled those up on the 4th of July. 
We still haven't figured out what to do with the pickling cucumbers yet. The obvious answer would be to, well, make pickles, but we're not real sure how to do that, so they might go on salads instead. 

Week 6 looked a little something like this. 
So there's a theme here. Hen House really wants us to eat blueberries. Good thing we make green smoothies every morning with the little guys. I even talked Dave into trying smoothies to use up all of his blueberries.
I'm super pumped about more cheese, because, well, I love it. We haven't had the colby yet, so even better.
The cabbage and onions are a switch up from the previous weeks, so we'll find something delectable to do with them. Seems like there might be some cabbage rolls in the near future?

I'll keep you updated.

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