Sunday, September 29, 2013

Back at it.

It's not that I haven't been making food with the CSA products because I sure have. We had some amazing spaghetti squash with homemade marinara. We've been eating lots of apples and potatoes and just this morning I had scrambled eggs with a potato/onion hash on the side. I've even got a cute pumpkin on my stairs outside courtesy of my CSA, but I haven't posted in a while. It's been two weeks since our last CSA, but I still have lots of CSA products left. 

I had some squash that I got a while back that I decided to use tonight. I have lots of homegrown tomatoes also, so I just cut up the squash, tomato and potatoes and put it on top of sauteed onion and garlic. I topped it with some of the farmhouse white cheddar cheese and baked for about an hour. It was quite yummy. 

Now that CSA is over, it's going to be a while til the next post, but there's still local foods to enjoy, so I may be back once in a while to chronicle that fun too. 
